Arts-X-press is a summer arts immersion program for 7th and 8th grade students created by the Pacific Symphony in celebration of Cole Carsan St.Clair. 150 students are nominated by teachers throughout Orange County to come together for 5 days of creative exploration each summer. The program has two goals: 1) To expose students to all 5 performing and visual arts; and 2) To foster respect for and interest in each student’s individuality, talents, interests, and background.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Week 3 Day 2

The morning came way too fast for the campers this morning. But ready or not here came Day 2 at arts-X-press. James' suite won the contest for first group up and ready this morning. We'll see if maybe the girls can beat them tomorrow!

After breakfast everyone got a brief orientation to our big day at Festival of Arts and Pageant of Masters tomorrow. It sounds like tomorrow is going to be filled with some very unique experiences.

The campers started their morning with Creative Expressions. Now that they've gotten to know each other a little better they were able to move on to some more reflective activities where they could discuss the Pacific Symphony concert they saw last night as well as other things they've been experiencing so far.

Arts Workshops came next. Although it seems like everyone just began their workshops they realized they only really have 2 more days of class until the Parent Presentation. How time flies at arts-X-press! All of the workshops are pressing further and further into the world of their art forms and discussing the theme of this week - Duality! It will be interesting to see how this theme manifests itself into all of the different classes and workshops this week.

We all sat down for lunch and then headed straight to the Chance Theater to see the musical Sunday in th Park with George. After the production was over the entire cast and crew came out and had a talk-back with the campers. They answered a bunch of great questions about their experiences as actors and how they prepare for their roles.

After returning to UCI everyone had dinner and then watched a presentation by the Pacific Symphony Youth Orchestra (PSYO). The campers even found out that 3 of their counselors are actually PSYO members!

Then we went straight to our Spotlight on Dance workshop where everyone got the chance to practice their dance moves. Everyone had a great time!

Then in was on to our final activity for the evening - bonding. Everyone had the opportunity to appreciate 1 person at home and 1 person here. It was a perfect way to end our day.

Now it's off to bed - we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow!

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