Arts-X-press is a summer arts immersion program for 7th and 8th grade students created by the Pacific Symphony in celebration of Cole Carsan St.Clair. 150 students are nominated by teachers throughout Orange County to come together for 5 days of creative exploration each summer. The program has two goals: 1) To expose students to all 5 performing and visual arts; and 2) To foster respect for and interest in each student’s individuality, talents, interests, and background.

Friday, January 2, 2009

AXP wishes you all a magical new year

AXP alumnus and counselor Stephanie Garcia was inspired to share this after coming across the arts-X-press video on

"AAAAAAAAAARTS X PRESS is summer fun for you and ME!" Yes, my name is Stephanie Garcia! I am a sophomore at Westmont College, who has been caught on various occasions singing this song in the Dining Commons (Regardless if it's summer or not). Having been a counselor for 3 summers, and experiencing AXP as a student myself I believe in the Arts-X-Press Magic! I believe in the Magic like a 5 year old child believes in Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy; I believe with all of my artistic heart. Many of you must be wondering how I can believe? After all Arts-x-press was but a few months ago, and for some of you a few YEARS ago. Yet, no matter how much time we have had away from AXP, the Magic has a way of seeping into our everyday lives. This happened to me recently reaffirming that the Magic is real (Like Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy).

Well it started off as a normal day in my dorm. I was innocently procrastinating on the internet. A friend of mine had asked me to recommend him a few concerts he should attend. My first thought was "AT PSO we LOVE the music in the Air!" So now I had to decide, what did I want to recommend? Maybe he would like a family concert, or pops, maybe classical, or a PSYO concert, the possibilities were endless! Then I ran across the Education Link! I clicked on the link to find the Arts X Press link!!! I could no longer avert my eyes! I had to click on the Arts-x Press link! Then I noticed that they had a video under the caption Arts X Press! I couldn't resist. MOVIE TIME!

As I watched the movie I was in AWE! Many of the students in the video were from my first summer as a counselor in 2005! They all shared about the amazing experiences they had. Arts-X-Press had changed their lives in different ways. They were all inspired to take different artistic risks. A familiar face popped up! Jacob Sanders shared about how Arts-X-Press had affected him. I knew that Jacob was greatly inspired and changed by the program. He was one of the Arts-X-Pressers my first summer. This past summer he returned as a counselor. This is common among Arts-x-pressers. So many of US are touched by the Magic that all WE want to do is share that Magic that we experienced at the age of 13 or 14. I couldn't help but feel the tears of joy dribble down my face. In that moment I knew that WE, all the Arts-x-press staff, had done our job. We were able to "Make life better" and "Bring the People together!"

Then it hit me! Many of the students my first summer are now entering a new Magical experience! Many of you are finishing High School and preparing for College!! I ask that you not let the Magic die. I beg that you don't let AXP become some amazing WEEK of your life. I encourage you to continue to take artistic risks! Even if you're not entering College and are simply starting 8th Grade or entering High School let the magic live on. Arts-X-Press is MORE than just SUMMER fun for you and me. Arts-X-Press Magic is the motion of living our Artistic Imaginations to its fullest potentials!!!!! Keep Feeling the BEAT!

With Much Love,
Stephanie Garcia!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is Jacob Sanders(J-squad) the one that was mentioned. So i walk around school and i start seeing more and more of the arts-x-press t-shirts appearing.So not only has the magic been in the summer but i have seen it all around my campus.