Arts-X-press is a summer arts immersion program for 7th and 8th grade students created by the Pacific Symphony in celebration of Cole Carsan St.Clair. 150 students are nominated by teachers throughout Orange County to come together for 5 days of creative exploration each summer. The program has two goals: 1) To expose students to all 5 performing and visual arts; and 2) To foster respect for and interest in each student’s individuality, talents, interests, and background.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

week two day two with a gagillion pictures!

guten tag! kann hier jemand deutsch?!

day two is officially done. weve had a very busy time so far at arts-x-press. we started off today with an early morning wake up which involved using trashcans. tweetie birds. and megaphones. we started breakfast off with some eggs. french toast. and a lot of syrup. on EVERYTHING! like tator tots. after breakfast we went to creative expression. the kids were able to work on some things that you can all see at the parent presentation on tuesday! we then headed over to our arts workshops. next came lunch. we had a nice international meal today that included some spaghetti and tostadas! our meal was a lot shorter today and a lot of kids missed out on ice cream. sad face.
after lunch we headed to our theater spotlight workshop which was led by amy lousie who was the director of the theater show that we saw yesterday! she was a blast and full of energy. we did some warmup games and then everyone was able to recreate a scene from the play including the counselors (which in opinion were the best. but some may say i have bias.)

after our great spotlight workshop were able to listen to two great young psyo members. one of which was tim who is a counselor next week. yay! your kids got some information on how they can become members so make sure to ask them about it if they are interested! after psyo we did an activity that we like to call bonding. make sure to ask your kids about it! (i dont say that phrase too oftern. do i?!) we then went back to the dorms. changed into our fancy arts-x-press shirts and then headed off to heritage park to see the pacific symphony orchestra preform! we were able to take a backstage tour.
we ate dinner at the park and were finally able to meet carl st clair. we were able to talk to him and ask him questions. after that we enjoyed a wonderful preformance by the symphony and then headed on the bus to go back to vanguard. after some three minute showers the kids were able to go off to bed.

and now im done. ich heiße garret. tschüs.
ps. i guess vannie and yolanda kinda helped. wahoo to them! jacob may claim he did. but he really didnt :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy B-Day today, I belive you are enjoying arts-X-press programs from time to time. And I think it is a good recognizing opportunity to be good relationship into a project and thinking a same goal. Once again, happy B-Day with their new friends and staff.
Lovely Dad! Moon Lee