Arts-X-press is a summer arts immersion program for 7th and 8th grade students created by the Pacific Symphony in celebration of Cole Carsan St.Clair. 150 students are nominated by teachers throughout Orange County to come together for 5 days of creative exploration each summer. The program has two goals: 1) To expose students to all 5 performing and visual arts; and 2) To foster respect for and interest in each student’s individuality, talents, interests, and background.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

AXP Application Question of the Day

Come back regularly to see the most frequently asked questions about applying to arts-X-press!

Today's question: Can I request a specific art form?
Answer: The goal of arts-X-press is for all students to participate in ALL FIVE art forms during their session.  Trying art forms you've never tried before is part of the fun, which is why we do not accept requests for specific assignments.  However, we do guarantee that you will be assigned to one of the three art forms that you indicate on your application. The five art forms are: theater; visual art; vocal music; instrumental music; and dance. 

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