Arts-X-press is a summer arts immersion program for 7th and 8th grade students created by the Pacific Symphony in celebration of Cole Carsan St.Clair. 150 students are nominated by teachers throughout Orange County to come together for 5 days of creative exploration each summer. The program has two goals: 1) To expose students to all 5 performing and visual arts; and 2) To foster respect for and interest in each student’s individuality, talents, interests, and background.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Day Two! WooWoo!

From the Counselors:
Why Hello Hello,
Today at arts-x-press was quite enthrallingly magical! We started our day early with a wonderful wake-up call by our lovely counselors. After which we visited the artsmart where the children were able to purchase our wonderful arts-x-press merchandise. Then we headed over to the cafeteria to enjoy a wonderful breakfast, provided by Vanguard, of french toast, eggs, bacon, sausage, fruit, and of course some H-2-Oh-Yah!!!!! After feeding, the children went to their creative expression classes where they would a achieve what we at arts-x-press refer to as expressing ourselves creatively. There after the kiddies went to their arts workshops where they could come together to collaborate on their art and what art means to them. Following our arts workshop session everyone rejoined each other for a scrump-diddly-umptious lunch of a sub or hot dog with salad. Afterwards we went on our excursion. We saw The Wedding Singer at the Carpenter Center and the kids had a charming time. The kids had a wonderful time watching such a colorful show. We all returned to Vanguard in time for some nice din-din (dinner) of tacos!!!!!!! And finally we closed our day with a very heartfelt bonding session where the kids had the opportunity to openly appreciate two people. All in all it was a very busy and exciting day at arts-x-press!!!

Here are some photos from tonight's theater workshop. We created family portraits, but not of any ordinary family--it could be a family of animals, objects, or anything we could imagine. We tried to make it look like a real family, including at least one "black sheep." Can you guess what these families are? Can you spot the black sheep?

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