Arts-X-press is a summer arts immersion program for 7th and 8th grade students created by the Pacific Symphony in celebration of Cole Carsan St.Clair. 150 students are nominated by teachers throughout Orange County to come together for 5 days of creative exploration each summer. The program has two goals: 1) To expose students to all 5 performing and visual arts; and 2) To foster respect for and interest in each student’s individuality, talents, interests, and background.

Monday, July 21, 2014

AXP: Day 2!

Hey y'all, it's Emmanuel and Maggie!

Today was the campers' first full day here at arts-X-press. We started the day early (relatively) and the campers immediately went to Creative Expression and their arts workshops. Then, we did a "spotlight rotation" where the campers were able to experience a bit of dance, theater, and vocal music. After a little bit of talent show preparations, all the campers, counselors, and staff members gathered in a circle for what we like to call "bonding." Everybody went around and expressed appreciation for one person here at camp and for one person back home. A few tears were shed, but we all connected to one another and the magic just continued from there. The final activity of the day was our excursion! We watched the Gershwin Greats concert held by the Pacific Symphony at the Verizon Wireless Amphitheater. We even got a backstage tour and met Carl St. Clair himself; he told us a little bit about Gershwin's history and about his own introduction into classical music as a teenager. The symphony performed three famous pieces, including "Rhapsody in Blue" and "An American in Paris." After that, the orchestra was joined by a group of amazing opera singers, who then sang (along with accompaniment from the orchestra) a selection of songs/arias from Porgy and Bess, Gershwin's famous opera. The campers were especially tired after today's activities, so they immediately hit the showers (3 minutes, as usual! They'll get used to it...eventually...maybe...) and went to bed as soon as we got back to campus. We look forward to another super exciting day tomorrow! :D

Peace out,
Maggie and Emmanuel (a.k.a. E-man) 

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